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Rugby heritage cup pontlevoy 2023

World Flair becomes the official textile and merchandising supplier for the Rugby Heritage Cup 2023

School rugby

This marks a significant milestone in the world of school rugby, bringing together young talent from different backgrounds to celebrate not only the sport, but also the fundamental values of camaraderie and fair play. The World Schools Rugby Tournament provides an exceptional platform for students to demonstrate their skills and proudly represent their educational institutions on the international stage.

The 2023 edition stands out for its ability to bring together teams from various countries, enabling an incomparable cultural and sporting exchange. The tournament is designed to encourage young players to test themselves against each other in a spirit of healthy competition, while emphasizing the importance of ethical and respectful behavior on the pitch.

Logo Rugby Heritage Cup Pontlevoy - Youth rugby competition 2023

Press release

"World Flair becomes the official textile and merchandising supplier of the Rugby Heritage Cup 2023, the first global school rugby tournament to be held in France at Pontlevoy from September 2 to 7, 2023, bringing together 20 high schools from 5 continents.

Alain VICHY, Managing Director of World Flair, recalls the company's strong commitment to the development of rugby on all five continents and explains:

"Our commitment to the Rugby Heritage Cup 2023, which marks the 200th anniversary of William Webb Ellis's stroke of genius, is much more than just a partnership; it's above all a heartfelt commitment to a fantastic project to pass on the message of rugby to young people the world over, using an oval-shaped ball with an unpredictable bounce.

Mark Twain said, "They didn't know it was impossible, so they did it." That could be the slogan for this great rugby initiative."

François Roche Bayard, co-organizer of the Rugby Heritage Cup: "In rugby, first support is essential. It often triggers everything and allows the action to develop. Alain Vichy was one of the RHC's first supporters. He clearly understood the educational dimension of the event, and his company has adapted to the way we operate as an association. Like us, he's convinced that the future of rugby lies in the schools. And that's what's essential.

Partnership with World Flair

World Flair has been chosen as the official textile and merchandising supplier for the Rugby Heritage Cup 2023. This partnership, based on a shared vision for the development of rugby, highlights World Flair's commitment to supporting the sport from its very foundations. Drawing on their expertise in the manufacture of sportswear, World Flair will contribute its know-how to offer products that are both high-performance and attractive.

The Australian women's team at the Rugby Heritage Cup Pontlevoy 2023

The collaboration between the organizers and World Flair aims to ensure that all participating teams are optimally equipped. By supplying jerseys and shorts, World Flair guarantees not only aesthetically pleasing but also technically advanced outfits. 

Every detail, from the choice of materials to the conception of designs, reflects the equipment manufacturer's passion for rugby and their dedication to meeting athletes' needs.

Designing swimsuit and shorts sets

For the Rugby Heritage Cup 2023, World Flair, as official equipment supplier, designed and produced the jerseys and shorts for the participating teams. This process demanded particular attention to detail to guarantee quality garments. The materials, chosen for their durability and comfort, are essential for the young athletes.

Each design, customized to the colors and logos of each school, reinforces team spirit and player pride. These outfits symbolize their institution, giving players a sense of belonging and extra motivation.

World Flair's collaboration as official supplier to the Rugby Heritage Cup underlines the brand's expertise in apparel and sports merchandising. Their commitment to quality and the satisfaction of participating teams consolidates their reputation in school and professional sports. 

Thanks to this initiative, young players can not only give their best on the pitch, but also proudly wear outfits that represent their team with dignity and passion.

Ireland's men's team at the Rugby Heritage Cup